Véronique Gengler
Family and couple therapy
Family and couple therapy
Véronique Gengler - Family and couple therapy
Véronique Gengler

Family and judicial mediation

Bar training on
problems of high conflict separations
EMDR therapy

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Searching for a new family balance...

"Life, at its best, is a process of flow, of change where nothing is fixed".



The confinements have seen an upsurge in requests for online consultations and, above all, have made patients aware of its effectiveness. I suggest you read the articles on this subject (approaches tab), which describe the benefits, and contact me if you'd like to give it a try:

Consultation by watsapp or telephone

After agreeing on a time slot, communication via watsapp, Facetime or phone call is supported to most geographical destinations.


- Consultation by watsapp or by phone:

. First consultation: 90 euros for one and a half hours

. Subsequent consultations: 70 euros

Terms of payment

Consultations are payable by instant transfer or Paypal account, in advance.

The consultation can only take place after payment has been received.

In case of cancellation, please inform us at least 2 days before the appointment. Out of this time, consultations are due. Any appointment not cancelled 48 hours in advance is therefore due.
An appointment can be postponed.

After two cancellations, no further appointments will be granted.

Narcissistic perversion is often the cause of the disintegration of a person, a couple, or even more often, of the violence of a separation where the children are taken hostage, sometimes for many years. To avoid this suffering, get help, take part in discussion groups and consult the books and articles suggested on this site.

For regular information, my Facebook account:


Renewing a dialogue

The greatest obstacle to mutual interpersonal communication is our natural tendency to judge, to want to evaluate, to approve or disapprove of what the "other", our spouse, our child, our parent, says.
The second obstacle, when emotions are strongest and when it is  difficult to assimilate the other person's frame of reference, is to overcome these feelings that assail us and to regain independence in our approach to the relationship.
I can help you to restore good communication with yourself and, from then on, to communicate more freely and effectively with others. It is then possible to re-establish a dialogue and to get out of the negative spiral. Whether in Antibes, on video camera, or at your home, I can receive you in therapy in complete confidentiality.

Finding a family balance

The family circle is a meeting place, sometimes lonely, of independent and unique people with individual values and goals, bound by genuine feelings - positive or negative - that evolve between them. Family therapy helps to restore a satisfying place of mutual understanding of at least part of each other's private worlds and to create or recreate a balance where everyone feels recognised.
You need to be recognised. This recognition comes through therapy. Do you really need it? If you are asking yourself this question, it is probably time to take a step back and an evaluation session  personnaly or on videocamera can help you. During a first meeting, we can discuss the opportunity of a therapy, its objectives and the frequency of the therapeutic sessions.

Véronique Gengler - Training - Mediation - Family and couple therapy.

Véronique Gengler is a family and couple therapist and mediatorspecialising in conflictual separations and parental alienation. She consults by phone, video or travels for mediation only or training.

Véronique Gengler offers you, among other things, her expertise in thefollowing activities

  • Relationship counselling
  • Individual EMDR therapy
  • Family and couple therapy, systemic approach
  • Family and judicial mediation
  • Training of Bar Associations on the problems of high conflict separations

She is also :

  • Lecturer at the DU of Expert and Criminal Psychology of the Faculty of Medicine of the University of Nice Sophia Antipolis
  • Active collaboration with the international research group for family intervention under judicial mandate (GRIP JU) France, Belgium, Quebec
  • International speaker in the framework of the continuing education of magistrates and lawyers
  • Member of the Association of Mediators of the Alpes Maritimes (Alpes Maritimes Médiation)
  • Member of the international PASG group: Connecting you with worldwide developments in Parental Alienation from the Parental Alienation Study Group (PASG)
  • Member of Ulysse Arbitration http://www.mediation-nice.com/